Friday 23 February 2018

Question from Flatland

In our Flatland podcast Thomas asked the question:

What is six divided by two plus one times two?

Sounds easy right? Can't possibly get it wrong?

If you think you have the answer comment below, tweet it to us @PodcastMathsAt, or email us at

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Maths at: Valentine's day

Although we've finished our first series, we couldn't miss St Valentine's day.

What could be more romantic than scientifically analysing love and romance using mathematics?

Amongst other things we discuss:
  • Why should you dump the first 37% of your partners?
  • How many snogs away from Prince Charles are you?
  • Are you a validator or an avoider?
Join your hosts as they show you their romantic side and be surprised that any of them actually have partners!
Further reading links:
    Subscribe via iTunes.
    Follow us on twitter @PodcastMathsAt, as well as @ThomasEWoolley, @benmparker.

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